
Neem powder – 100 gms

  1. Neem for Skin: The natural moisturizing properties of neem powder may help in reducing skin dryness by nourishing the skin from within. Thus this neem powder help in restoring skin health
  2. Neem leaf powder is incredibly beneficial for enhancing immunity. The strong anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties of neem powder may help to flush the harmful toxins and other impurities from the blood, which helps to offer stronger immunity support
  3. With the presence of powerful detoxifying properties, neem powder may help in blood purification. By removing toxins from the blood, it cleanses the blood and enhances circulation throughout the body.
  4. The goodness of flavonoids, triterpenoid, anti-inflammatory element, and glycosides in neem powder helps to support blood sugar management
  5. Pure neem leaf powder is an Ayurvedic herb with multiple nutritional benefits. It is a comprehensive way to support your skin health, blood purification & immunity

Haritaki Churna/Powder – 100 gms – Pack of 2

  • Supports functional benefits managing constipation
  • Promotes healthy digestion.
  • Removes excess vata from the system
  • Assists natural internal cleansing and maintain regularity
  • Nourishes and rejuvenates the tissue